Legend tells of a great mystic, the wisest ever known in Fortunata. So profound was her power that it rooted her to the earth at the hour of her death, transforming her into a wondrous tree and preserving her soul—and its wisdom—for future ages to discover and consult. If you find the tree, you may choose to undergo the test: those who eat of the fruit and are found worthy shall partake of the ancient mystic’s wisdom, attaining power beyond the imagination of mortals; those who eat and are deemed unworthy lose instantly all memory of themselves and are doomed to wander the land in an endless cycle of un-knowing.

According to some legends, the Twisted Tree was once the soul of a witch who was cursed by her sisters, the Shadowed Three , and turned into a tree so they could pursue their necromantic mischief at leisure. But her noble power was so great that she resisted corruption and remained a benevolent being, ready to reward the worthy (and punish the unworthy).