In this mad world, the only way to live is to take whatever you can and keep it as long as you can. Anyone who objects is an enemy.

Nomadic bands living on the fringes of the Scar. Part tomb robber, part bandit.

Looters focus on Family Seats in the Outer Scar. Old Families ****are descended from aristocrats of the Nameless Kingdom and make regular pilgrimages to their Family Seats. These are usually a ruined palace complex with an intact mausoleum, underground temple, and other mystical facilities. The opening up of the Scar has made these sites vulnerable to Looters and freelancers. It's also made formerly lost seats accessible to resurgent old families, sometimes opposed by political rivals. As always, raiders are a threat. However, by long tradition, neither the School nor the Kallendai interfere with family seats.

Looters are like land pirates. They are driven by purely monetary motives and keep loyalty with no one but their own band. (Sometimes, treachery arises even there.)

Typical Adventures: robbing tombs, raiding caravans

Friendly Faction Connections

Hostile Faction Connections