Fortunata belongs to those bold enough to pursue its riches at any cost. Fortunata belongs to the free — to those who will suffer no bondage or dishonor. Fortunata belongs to us.

Nomadic horse peoples range the forests and steppes of the Northern Mountains, sometimes raiding into Fortunata as far as Iron Gate. They are renowned for their fine ponies and furs. An equestrian honor culture with at least some vestiges of warrior arts and assumption of gender parity, the Hussars are the ultimate light cavalry! Able to live off the land indefinitely, they are masters of hit-and-run, as good at avoiding battles as they are at winning them with their deadly horse bows. Etiquette is all about displaying the possibility of violence by loudly rejecting it. Religion is usually shamanic—the cult of the sun is the most prevalent—but some have converted to the Path of the Four Sages.

The Hussars despise the “petty burglaries” of the Thieves Guild and the fanatic policing of the Secret Magic Courts alike. Their aim is simple: to get rich by pillaging the caravans that traverse Fortunata (and the cities, when they get a chance). You will also find lone Hussars roaming the land, acting as mercenaries — sometimes seeking wealth and adventure, sometimes fleeing a deadly blood feud back home . . . often both.

The Hussars are highly factionalized themselves. When meeting two different Hussars on the road, observe their interaction before jumping to conclusions; they are just as likely to be blood brethren as blood foes. But every so often — or so history tells me — a great kahn will arise, uniting these disparate peoples . . . making the Hussars the sleeping Fifth Power.

Typical Adventures: attacking/pillaging caravans; liberating their fellows from captivity or prison